January 2011

Hoosierville16 Jan 2011 05:16 pm

This time right across the road!

Let’s see, this must be part 3 in the Fish-on-a-Stick/Hoosier Vandalism Series.

Part 1 was an actual Fish-on-a-Stick.

Part 2 began a theme-shift to footwear.

And in continuation of that theme, a few weeks ago I noticed these lovely shoes tacked to my across-the-road neighbor’s Horseshoeing sign.

What is up with these whacked-out Hoosiers??!!Подаръци

Music04 Jan 2011 10:38 pm

Here are some more pics from the Oak’s Christmas show in South Bend, Indiana at the Morris Center, 12-20-10.

And a video of Elvira:

Music02 Jan 2011 01:05 pm

We went to the Oak’s Christmas show in South Bend a couple of weeks ago, we really enjoyed it.

The Oaks started an a cappella tune, and I was a little slow on the draw so I didn’t get the beginning.