I wanted to mention some important news that will bring much rejoicing to ITF constituents everywhere. I have started work on a new poetic masterpiece. It is about bacon. I don’t mean to be breakfast-themed lately, it’s just kinda worked out that way. I don’t even eat breakfast.

But it could be quite a while before it’s finished. Ode to the Egg took close to a year to complete. That might be a good average for me, I’ve had some masterpieces finished in a relatively short time but usually they take me ages. It’s not uncommon for years to elapse between start and finish.

In fact, me’n By we like to collaborate on music and co-write songs. We co-wrote “Strong,” a song on Purpose. Now he has most of the good song ideas, I just help him work on them and finish stuff. So we were hashing out credits for the CD on day, and I mentioned something about “Strong” being one of his tunes. He said, no, that was yours! Ha! Here it was my song and it was so long since I initially started it that I forgot it was mine.

Another bit of biz that I’ve been wanting to mention. Remember my last insightful mention of classic rock? How could you forget. Anyway, I got an email about that post from a friend of mine. He thinks that song is cool. Evidently though he didn’t have the guts to comment and say so! He had to email me so nobody else would know! What a chicken!

AAAAARRRRGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just missed my auction on eBay!!! I was so wrapped up in working for the ITF constituency that I forgot to check it and I missed it by a few minutes! Of course I was outbid! And this is a very rare item that I’ve wanted for over ten years! And this is only the second time I’ve seen it on eBay! I’m very upset!

I’m going to try to relax with another glass of iced tea.