I’m sure one of the foremost questions on everyone’s mind is, “What is the ITF Policy on dancing?” I’m here today to put that question to rest.

This came up in a recent yay-hoo chat with an acquaintance.

(Somebody was going to a wedding.)
ITF: don’t sprain an ankle on the dance floor!
ITF: I’ve heard it from a conservative Mennonite preacher, it’s ok to dance as long as you dance with your wife!!!
ITF: over the pulpit at B-ville, it was
(Bob): Wow. Well, that’s my take on it too.
ITF: It’s only in the last year and a half or so that I’ve been qualified to dance
(Bob): You shouldn’t dance unless you’re married…
(Bob): and then you shouldn’t be dancing with anyone else’s wife!
(Bob): Si. How is the dancing?!!
ITF: you could be an expert at dancing by now
ITF: I’m pretty bad
(Bob): Oh ya, I’m pretty good.
ITF: she just told me that last night. but I was doing it by myself right then
(Bob): Well, that’s okay.

There you have it. Go ahead and dance, if you’re qualified.

Although it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for my dancing to be construed as “cruel and unusual” to any bystanders.