So I’m home last Saturday listening to the Evergreen District Barbershop Competition webcast. I wanted to catch my buddy Coby’s chorus, the Cascade Chorus from Eugene. He’s been directing them for the past few years now. The webcast video is pretty much nonexistant, but the audio actually isn’t too bad.

Their first tune was Lorabelle Lee, that’s one me and Coby used to do in Razorburn! I think it was Razorburn, maybe it was in the Allnighters.

Anyway, it sure brought back memories. Indeed, just thinking about District contest brings back some pretty good memories! I should get the necessary permission to tell a few stories about some quartet experiences at district. Man, I miss singing in a quartet. And there’s nothing quite like competing in a quartet contest.

Coby, I miss you buddy.

Here I found some pics of Coby (wearing his Razorburn jacket) and the chorus. Looks like he shaved his head! I think I’ll reserve a place for him in my next artistic masterpiece!