For quite a while I’ve been subjected to these asinine PSA’s and billboards about asthma and kids. I think it’s a safe bet that whoever was the creative “force” behind them has never suffered from asthma.

One of there main things they feature is a little kid sadly saying that when he has an asthma attack he feels like a “fish with no water.”

Give me a break. First of all, a kid as young as he sounds would never come up with that on his own. Secondly, it’s a horrible analogy that just doesn’t work. My experience as a life-long sufferer of chronic asthma qualifies me to make this judgement.

What a dumb analogy. In order for an analogy to work, you must be able to identify with it. You can’t identify with a fish, because a fish breathes water! That is so counter-intuitive and against our nature that you think, “breathe water?” and your mind locks up and rejects any further exploration of the notion.

It’s a survival instinct, out entire being violently reacts to inhaling water. We are incapable of effectively imagining what it would be like to breathe water and then suddenly have that taken away. It’s way too much of a stretch.

Dumb, stupid ads.