Well I tell you what, today is my birthday and I’ve never looked, felt, or been this old before. My own mortality is staring me in the face. It certainly makes you look back and reconsider your life. Why did I work so hard? Why didn’t I take another helping of meat? Life is too short to sacrifice your happiness on things that profiteth little!!

According to my younger sister, I am very old. When the thought struck me a few days ago, I called her up and happily told her she was almost 30. She said, “At least I’ll be 30 and SKINNY!” Somehow I think there was a hidden meaning there, but I haven’t figured it out yet.

After all, I’m not fat. Here, just look at this picture of me:

And those pants used to fit!

Back to the accusation of being old, at church last Sunday an elderly lady asked me how old I was going to be. I told her 32. She has a birthday too this week, and she said, “Well, I’m going to be 84!”

So see, maybe I do have a few good days left.


Actually, I didn’t work that hard and I did take that second helping of meat.

Ok ok, that third helping.