I told you about my buddy Gabe competing last week at the International Barbershop competition. Gabe and Late Show did great, they made the first cut and ended up placing 20th (if I’m reading the scoresheet right)! That’s twentieth in the world, out of 47 competitors. And they only got together last November!

It was a great hearing them on the webcast, and of course it warmed my heart to hear Gabe make a few wisecracks in the interview with the webcast hosts after their set! I miss singing with you buddy.

It was quite a contest. Vocal Spectrum ended up winning, beating out Max Q (who took their 3rd silver in a row) by the thinnest of margins. Both quartets passed the 8,000 mark for total points, and Vocal Spectrum won by only six points! Statistically astounding.

In the meantime, I need to start another quartet.