Not long after Purpose was released, I received an email with a review of the album.

Now this is not a typical written review, it’s a visual review!

Daryl is a missionary in Grenada. My brother-in-law Kevin VS’d down there many, many years ago, and since coming home usually sent some CD’s down whenever AHQ made a new recording. So they’re familiar with our stuff.

And our good buddy Rick was a missionary down there for several years too. Kon and I stayed with his family one night on tour when we sang at their church. As I recall, me and Kon kept Rick up late into the night goofing around on our laptops, and he had to get up very early to teach school. Sorry Rick! We got up later and went and sang for their chapel service.

So anyway, one day down in Grenada (this was pre-hurricane) Rick told Daryl, hey, I got a new AHQ CD! He agreed to lend it to Daryl that afternoon. However, that morning Daryl received a package from a friend in the States, and any guesses what was in it?! His own copy of Purpose! Good story, huh. Grenada is infested with AHQ recordings!

Oh yeah, here’s Daryl with his review of Purpose.