So when I was moved to my current plant several months ago, I met a lot of new people. One guy that kind of stuck out was this old dude who worked not far down the line from me. Had his head shaved on the sides and back with the top grown long and worn in a pony tail. And this dude was old. Had the tats too, but that’s pretty standard for the Den of Iniquity. Us with the inkless hides are in the minority, I think.

Anyway, he’s a really nice guy. Friendly, liked to joke with me, we got along fine. Then one day this week he didn’t show up for work.

“He called in sick” is what we heard first. Then a rumor went around that he pointed out and was fired. No, a foreman said, he hasn’t been fired. But the next day he didn’t show up either.

Then another rumor started to go around. Seemed pretty far-fetched at first, but turns out that it was true.


He was arrested for running a meth lab!

Yep, these are the people I work with.