I generally do not like instrumentals. I’m an a cappella fanatic. But even those with superior tastes like me can appreciate the following.

Here’s a movie of a dude who gets more music out of a little guitar than you ever would have thought possible. Not only amazing skill, but incredible musicality as well. Jake Shimabukuro (NOTE: Monster file. This thing is 28MB. Sorry all you poor unfortunate dial-up users! Credit: Google Blogoscoped.)

Alternate link: Google Video

Note, this is not a regular guitar, it’s a little guitar. There are all kinds of guitars. Big guitars, little guitars, micro guitars, regular guitars, guitars with holes, guitars without holes, guitars you plug into the wall, guitars you don’t, guitars you hold, guitars you stand up, guitars you play flat, guitars you play with a bow, on and on. But the rarest guitar ever, one you rarely come across, is the one that is played in tune!

What’s the difference between a piano and a guitar?

The piano burns longer! Ha ha!