I’m a singer. I have a buddy at work who is a singer too. We like to talk about music and singing and stuff and compare notes. He has monster chops, cords of steel. Today he asked me what I’m doing Saturday night. I said I didn’t know. He invited me to a show his band is doing. He sings heavy metal with his band called 7 Head Scream. I asked him if there was going to be anybody else there, he said yeah several other bands.

I said, well, that might be a little bigger dose of heavy metal than I could handle! He says, yeah, it might be!

Here is a picture I like. I took it when I was in Utopia over Christmas, we went to the zoo.

If you don’t like it that’s really too bad, because I do.

To what shall we give the dubious honor of being the dumbest words ever? I humbly submit “hoosier” and “michiana.”

I’ve got some really cool stuff coming up on ITF. I’m going to post (pictures too) about barbershop quartets, a 250R, and some Krispy Kreme poetic masterpieces. Unrelatedly.