Years and years ago, maybe 7 or 8, it was Byran’s birthday on a Sunday afternoon. AHQ got together at his house for a little birthday party, and then we went out singing. As my feeble mind struggles to recall the details, it seems we took along our buddy Jon to have devotions, then we went and sang for several elderly people from church. We went to their houses and warbled away.

Now it just so happens that David had company that Sunday afternoon. Three guys, I think. So he brought them along to By’s place, and then singing with us. I remember talking later about how we felt kinda sorry for those poor guys stuck with us the whole afternoon trailing around and listening to the same songs over and over.

Fast foward many years. Here I am, visiting at BMABI. I crash in a room with several BMA students, including my bud Peter, in whose room I stayed in last year when I visited. I start talking to one of the other dudes in the room, and what do you know. Here he was one of the poor saps in the story I just told you from ages past!