I was running a little late, so we didn’t get there early. And Salem isn’t a very large church, so we ended up on chairs in the foyer. We were pretty close to the doors though, I think the foyer was almost filled clear up.

Pretty good-sized choir, around 45 I think they said. Benj did a fantastic job. This was his first real experience actually directing a choir, but his choral background and deft musical hand served him very well.

Being a fairly large amateur choir, I was impressed with their ability to keep phrases light where appropriate (not an easy task). I was also impressed with the dynamic contrast they displayed (that’s not real easy either). Reminds me of something my college music prof told me once (in between tenor jokes), there’s nothing worse than a mezzo forte choir! Meaning of course a choir that sang everything at one volume.

Clean, tight, in tune, they did a very nice job.

Anyway, those things don’t happen by accident, so props (am I hip or what) to Benj!

It was fun when they first filed in. Jewel and I sat there going “Hey there’s Stephanie, there’s Jonny, there’s Heidi, there’s Melody,” there’s him and there’s her!

Of course we were one of the last ones to leave, had a lot of people to talk to.