The word “a cappella” is an important word, but it’s often misunderstood, misspelled, and misrepresented.

First of all, let’s look at the spelling. What word has been spelled wrong more often than “a cappella?” It’s a travesty. And many times the offenders are people who definitely should know better.

Mainely A Cappella has a great resource on this issue. But in brief, here’s how to remember the correct spelling: two words, two p’s, two l’s.

A cappella.

Secondly, here is another grievous and misfortunate error that consistently plagues those of us involved in a cappella music (notice those last few words).

“Oh, you sing without music!”

No, no, a thousand times no! We sing without instrumentation!

A huge difference, let me assure you.

A cappella – two words, two p’s, two l’s. Singing without instruments.