Last Sunday we skipped out of Sunday School just a little early and headed for the airport. When we arrived we found out that our plane was slightly delayed, so we broke out the laptops.

Cool! PDX has free wireless internet!

That made the time go fast. We finally got on our plane around 3 or so and flew to Denver. Since we were a little late, we didn’t have much time to make our connection, but it wasn’t far away and we were fine.

Man, crowded planes, no leg room, I was ready to be done. We finally got in to Indianapolis (remember, Indiana-POLE-iss) between 11:30 and 12 Sunday night. It was cold. We caught a shuttle to the long-term parking lot where our car was and found a nasty surprise.

There was a solid sheet of ice over the whole car. It looked like it poured down rain then immediately froze, I’ve never seen anything like it. We couldn’t chip or scrape it or anything, we had to wait for the defrost to get warm enough to soften it up. Couldn’t believe it.

There was snow on the ground, but the roads were clear and dry. Jewel drove the last hour (while I slept), I was wasted. We arrived home a little before 4 a.m. Went to bed and I slept another hour or so, then got up and went to work.

Glad I don’t have to relive that day at work.

There was about 3 inches of snow on the ground. It stayed very cold the next few days, very cold. Then today when I got off work it had just started to snow again. A few hours later there was another 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground.

Only a little more than two weeks until I get to go to Oregon again!!!